This page provides quick ways to handle the most common types of searches you will use to locate and retrieve your data.
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Explanation of Terms
Project ID
The project identification number, also the first five characters in the file name (e.g. c0001, in c0001.n604_coC.1.miriad.tar.gz).
The name of a single investigator. The format is FIRSTNAME LASTNAME. For example "John Smith" will have the desired effect. We have investigator information only for proposals which have been refereed starting around project c0001. Thus, we have investigator information for projects such as c000*, cx*, cs*, but not ct* or older projects.
Observing Block ID
The ID of the observing block (e.g., n604_coC).
Date Range
Date range (inclusive) for which to search (e.g., 2007-05-07). Note the YYYY-MM-DD format. If only one value is specified, that date is searched for. The * wildcard character will not work.